This magnificent large brooch is by Staret and is over three inches wide (7.5 cm). There is little known about the Staret Jewellery Co. Inc. who were based in Chicago Illinois. This particular name was registered between 1941 and 1947 but previously the company was known as the Star Novelty Jewelry Company, Inc. which began in 1925 (though some books say 1935). Why is this interesting? There is a story that they had financial backing from the Eisenberg Company which was also based in Chicago. If you compare this brooch with that of the ‘Magnificent Fur Clip’ which was Brooch of the Month in April 2015 there are similarities in style. And if I compare my other Staret and Eisenberg brooches I can see it more clearly – they are large pieces, neither company favoured the discrete, delicate style and high quality paste/glass rhinestones are used. It is rumoured that Star Novelty actually made brooches for Eisenberg, so maybe they copied or adapted some of the designs as well. Interesting to note, Eisenberg brooches come in silver and pot metal but I have never yet seen a Staret brooch in anything but pot metal – poorer cousins perhaps?